Protect Your Forest From Any Location

Loss Detection from NCX notifies you of tree loss on your land.

Become an NCX Member to activate Loss Detection. NCX Members get access to exclusive tools, research, and insights so that they can manage their land with confidence.

How does Loss Detection Work?

NCX uses satellite technology and disturbance recognition algorithms to detect when tree loss occurs on your land.

  • 01 Sign-up

    Add your property into the NCX Landowner Platform

  • 02 Become a Member

    Subscribe to the “Basic” NCX Membership option

  • 03 Receive Alerts

    NCX will automatically notify you if we detect tree loss on your land

  • 04 Take Action

    Use the alerts to take action and make sure there is no ongoing threat to your forest

Loss Detection

Disturbances like extreme weather and illegal harvesting affect forests around the country every day. NCX’s Loss Detection service monitors your property for tree loss and alerts you of disturbances in near real time so that you can quickly address any issues, giving you peace of mind that your forest is healthy and secure.

Get Started

Start protecting your forest today.

Sign Up

Landowners are #1 at NCX

Why become a member?

  • Honest and unbiased advice that puts your interests first.

    When you pay for a service, YOU are the customer. Landowners are #1 at NCX. Unlike other free services, NCX avoids conflicts of interest by not taking commissions or lead fees from project developers, timber buyers, or realtors. We understand that your land is a precious asset and you don’t want to make the wrong decisions for future generations. As an NCX Member, you can be confident that YOU are our top priority and your interests come first.

  • A team of experts working for you.

    Natural capital markets for carbon, timber, water, and wildlife are constantly evolving. It’s a full-time job keeping up with all the changes. We know because… it’s our full time job! NCX’s team of foresters, computer engineers, and landowner support staff are constantly scanning public and private programs to make sure that you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

  • You’re in it for the long haul.

    So are we. Land ownership is a long-term commitment and NCX is committed to your long-term success. By charging landowners like you a membership fee, we can ensure NCX stays around for the long term without worrying about the constant ups and downs of carbon, timber, and other natural capital markets. Your membership allows us to constantly reinvest in new data, features, and analysis, making NCX the #1 place landowners go when they want to make informed and confident decisions about their land.